Tuesday, 27 October 2015

water pistol fun

On Thursday me, and the group went to the playground.  We had to shoot with the water pistols.  The boys went first to get the girls and my friend Vili went to get Angelica and I got Angelica too. When it was the girls turn to get the boys I got shot by Angelica on the back. Sabrina hit me on the side.  
I felt excited and it was fun.

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I like spending time with my aunty chicken

I like spending time with my aunty chicken because she is kind. She took me and my brother Kori to the Movies. We watched Ice Age 4 and we wore 3D glasses. My aunty bought popcorn for us. It was a little bit freaky but it was cool too. I was tired and I went to sleep in the car and when I woke up I felt fresh again. Atfer tea me and my brother Kori watched cartoon network and it was good fun at my aunty.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Holiday Story


In the holidays I went to Riverside camp at Willow Park . The first night we played a game and we ran  away to find crunchie bars. Then we had to count our crunchie bars and we were allowed to eat the crunchie bars. We went off to sleep in our cabins after we prayed. If we went to sleep straight away we would get a $100. Screenshot 2015-10-14 at 10.16.52.png Screenshot 2015-10-14 at 10.17.37.png